To be succinct, a lot of food was eaten, a lot of laughs were
laughed and a lot of fun was had. Let me elaborate though.
Our first
thanksgiving dinner was on the Sunday prior. Mom, Dad, Cat, Nat and myself
spent the entire day slaving over a hot stove to making
a delicious dinner that was consumed in around 15 minutes!
So a couple of days later the rest of the family showed up and
from then on easy and quick meals were the rule!

Nothing like Nat's crab deviled eggs or Hibachi. We may do finger-food Thanksgivings from now on!
So after the feasts Ooodles of fun were had with traditional Wilson family activities. Puzzles and games!

Alas the folks had to head out eventually and once they did winter moved in fast behind them. Nat and I didn't even realize it had snowed until we took out the dogs for their morning walk and saw this!
Sugar after walking down the steeps immediately made a 180 and headed back for the porch! We had to force her to a least spend a little time outside.
Of course it had to snow on the day we planned to put up our
Christmas lights but I guess God just wanted to get us in the Christmas spirit
Don't let the pictures fool you. Nat helped too. She held the camera ;) And put up a lot of stuff.
Once the lights were up though we had to get a tree. After coming home and setting the tree in the stand though we discovered that it had a spiral crack in it half-way up the tree! Nat and I were concerned but after a little internet research we found out that this is a common problem with Frasier Fir and that with adequate watering our tree will have as rich and full a life. One thing is for certain though, the pets sure took to it fast.
So if that wasn't enough Christmas we also went to a Peddler's Village. A little shop/town that was having their Christmas festival. We got to see their gingerbread house competition and their beautiful light display.
You can be sure we'll keep everyone posted on Christmas in frozen north! Y'all come back now yah hear!
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