First (well, this was after we put in the new floor)
(here's the original flooring)
Here's a few more views:
^ Thomas painted the cabinet white
One of the projects we finished today was adding "frosting" to the window so that we could have privacy while still letting in as much natural light as possible:
Here you can see the convenience store from the bathroom window :(
Note: the color of the walls are really a light silvery/gray. It looks a little purple-y in these pics, but they definitely are NOT. After repainting the bathroom twice (the first gray we painted with was actually more of a lavender once it was up on the walls, so we repainted with a new, non-lavender gray) we are very happy with the results!
We also frosted the window in the guest bedroom. Normally our guests would have a not-so-lovely view of the neighbor's house next door:
And now you can ignore the view, have a little more privacy, and still enjoy the natural light. (It's not quite as opaque as the pictures are showing.)
So far we have finished painting the primer on the upper cabinets. We are painting the cabinets (originally ugly-beige) white. We are next going to install new countertop and a new sink (or we are going to have the countertop installed--we haven't decided if we're brave enough to install the countertop yet).We still have quite a long way to go, so we will add some pics of our progress as we go along.
I just can't wait until that orange laminate is gone! We are going to add a slate tile backsplash to try to go along with the slate entryway and our slate coffee tables.
Well after a busy weekend, we're ready for a break!
Hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying the cooler weather!
Keep in touch!
♥ Natalie
The bathroom looks great! I can't wait to see it in person. You two are going to be pros by the time you have everything completed ;)