Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tough times...

Another fun discovery at the house today.  Okay, so maybe it's not a stash of cash, but I see this as a good sign too.  I found this laying in our front yard.  Sorta random, but this reminded me to maintain hope and faith.

Unfortunately the cookie was nowhere to be found.

House update:  finally got the flooring delivered, and hopefully in about a week this will be installed!

More updates soon...
Keep In Touch
♥ Natalie

1 comment:

  1. It sure sounds like that message was meant for both of you. I know sometimes it must seem like you two are alone in this, but remember you have a whole passel of people praying for you. And it is good to see how the house is progressing. I can't wait to see the after photos. Love you, Natalie.
