Saturday, February 23, 2013

Geocaching & our newest family member!

Hello!  Well we've been getting a fair amount of snow up here, and decided to bundle up and get outside for a change.  So of course, we went geocaching! :)  This time with our friends Janet and David, and their two dogs Dakota and Baja.

For Valentine's Day, Thomas surprised me with a bunny cage/accessories.  We went searching for a rabbit, without success.  However, a client at work was looking for a new home for her bunny, so we took him!  We named him Roary, and he is 3 years old.  Here are a LOT of photos of him, and of Sugar meeting a rabbit for the first time. :D

As you can tell, Sugar was in a pretty intense staring contest with him for awhile.  But all in all, everyone gets along with him very well.  He's a very friendly little guy-all 3.5 pounds! :)
